Ageless Aesthetics: 3 Ways to Upgrade Your Grin

August 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — thornville @ 5:42 pm
Man in blue shirt hugging woman in yellow sweater from behind outside in the sun

Aging can alter your appearance in many ways, and your teeth are no exception. Over the years, as your enamel thins, they are more likely to become stained, chipped, cracked, or develop decay or disease. Unfortunately, some seniors who are frustrated by such aesthetic issues believe it’s too late for them to do anything to improve the condition of their smile.

Thankfully, that’s not true! Your dentist provides several cosmetic services that can potentially upgrade your grin. Continue reading to learn more about 3 popular procedures so you can make an informed decision!

Treatment #1: Teeth Whitening

Darkly tinted foods and drinks can stain your teeth, and years’ worth of exposure is bound to take its toll. If your once-pearly-whites have taken on a yellow or brown hue, you might remain tight-lipped around others instead of speaking or smiling authentically.

Although there are commercially available products that claim to lighten your smile, they often contain harsh bleaching agents that cause sensitivity. Plus, there’s no guarantee that you’ll get the desired results. Your dentist, meanwhile, has access to professional-grade gels and equipment to safely brighten your grin by up to 8 shades in a single in-office visit.

Treatment #2: Veneers

Enamel may be the hardest substance in the human body, but it’s not entirely invincible. It naturally weakens after a lifetime of use, leaving your teeth more vulnerable to dental problems. While this might not always impact your dental health, it can certainly detract from your reflection.

Fortunately, your dentist can mask one or multiple imperfections simultaneously with porcelain veneers. These thin ceramic shells are customized to match the shade and shape of your teeth and then cemented to their front service. They’re coated with a durable glaze that helps them resist damage and discoloration, so they can also shield the underlying tooth from additional harm.

Treatment #3: Metal-Free Restorations

In the past, most dental restorations, like fillings and dental crowns, were made from metal. These amalgam repairs don’t bond with your teeth and can expand and contract with temperature changes, internally harming them in time. On top of that, the material looks dark and gray in your mouth, which isn’t considered very visually appealing.

Today, your provider can remove and replace your old dental work with a more modern, tooth-colored material. Using shade-matched composite resin, they can refill or rebuild your dental work so that it looks and feels more natural.

As you can see, there are many ways your dentist can help you improve your image, regardless of your age!

About the Author

Dr. Chase Smith enjoys enhancing patients’ lives by helping them build and maintain happy, healthy teeth. He earned his dental degree at The Ohio State University and then attended an Advanced Education in General Dentistry residency at Dayton, VA. Now, he offers a full range of services to meet all your needs conveniently under one roof. He combines a caring approach with state-of-the-art equipment to help you feel relaxed while delivering accurate, long-lasting results. He’s happy to consult with you to discuss possible ways to help you meet your smile goals. You can request an appointment on the website or call (740) 246-5286.

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