What Is Sedation Dentistry Going to Cost Me?

June 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — thornville @ 1:58 am
Someone getting nitrous oxide sedation

Whether it’s helping anxious patients, those with special needs, or even just people with too-strong gag reflexes, sedation dentistry is unbelievably helpful. Being able to put patients at ease in the dentist’s chair is important for both them and their dentist, making oral healthcare as smooth as it can be for all parties involved.

But staying calm during the procedure isn’t exactly worth it if you’re panicking once you get the bill for your treatment. How much would sedation dentistry cost you? Here’s what you should know.

Types of Sedation Dentistry

There are various kinds of sedatives out there that can help you with your dental anxiety, and which one you use has a large impact on what you’re going to wind up paying for sedation.

The two most common methods of sedation are nitrous oxide and oral conscious sedation. Nitrous oxide is a gas administered through the duration of the treatment, leaving patients feeling light and bubbly.

Oral conscious sedation, on the other hand, involves taking a pill before your treatment. This is slightly stronger; patients feel deeply relaxed, almost “heavy,” during your procedure.

What Does Each Sedative Cost?

Nitrous oxide sedation and oral conscious sedation are priced similarly, with patients generally spending between $200 and $300 dollars on either option. However, the way that this cost is calculated is different depending on the variety of sedation.

Nitrous oxide sedation is administered through the steady flow of gas, which is why its cost is calculated by the hour. Performing longer procedures under the influence of nitrous oxide will make the cost go up, while short treatments will be cheaper.

Oral conscious sedation involves taking only a single pill, so its cost is fixed. This may make it the cheaper option in the case of some especially lengthy procedures, but in most situations it will cost slightly more than nitrous oxide.

Will Insurance Cover Sedation?

Sedation is generally considered an elective, non-essential part of dental care by insurance companies. While plenty of patients would disagree with that assessment, most people will have to pay for their sedatives without insurance reimbursing them.

That said, there are some exceptions, like in the case of oral surgery or special needs patients. Even if you think your dental insurance won’t cover your sedation, it’s generally still worth checking to make sure.

About the Author

Dr. Chase Smith believes that every patient deserves to feel comfortable and cared for. He endeavors to help even the most anxious patient change their view about dentistry, whether through sedation or just compassionate chairside manner. Dr. Smith received his dental degree from The Ohio State University, and completed an Advanced Education in General Dentistry residency at the Dayton VA.

If you have any questions about sedation dentistry, he can be reached at his website or by phone at (740) 246-5286.

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